Tuesday 4 December 2012


I have deleted all my blog posts for the last couple of years and will delete this placeholder in the future.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with Microsoft software is that it makes you fret about things that have nothing to do with your task, there is always passwords, configuration, acclimation to its unintuitive quirks, learning where common features are located, remembering where common features are located, having the tabs that group related features above the features so that the top edge of the display which is rapidly accessible according to Fitt's Law is wasted on a title bar or set of rarely changed tabs when they could be just these wider, easier to click, words:

    Find, Swap, Left Aligned, Centred, Right Aligned, Justified, Outline, List, Table, Titles, Headings, Normalise, Footnote, Endnote, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Duplicate, Extract, Mail

    Rather than a cluster of hard to pick inscrutable, icons, which keep changing design with every year and passing fashion.

    Mnemonic keyboard commands will be more useful than some irritating hover menu that requires a textual selection with the mouse that means one hand is temporarily off the rest position on the home row for typing:

    F Find,
    S Swap,

    L Left Aligned,
    C Centred,
    R Right Aligned,
    J Justified,

    O Outline,
    = List,
    ÷ Table,

    T Titles,
    H Headings,
    N Normalise,
    F Footnote,
    E Endnote,

    B Bold,
    I Italic,
    U Underline,
    - Strikethrough,
    + Subscript,
    ^ Superscript,

    D Duplicate,
    E Extract,
    M Mail

    Actually, you don't want to bother with a Paste as it is inefficient, as you have to select and Cut the text to the invisible Clipboard, where you forget what text is in it, when you really need two cursors. A selection cursor that starts off as a blue bar (which expands into a blue block as it is dragged over aggregations of objects) and will Swap out whatever is selected with the next thing to be typed. As well as a separate collation cursor that starts off as a yellow bar (which can be expanded into a yellow block as it is dragged over aggregations of objects) and will Swap out whatever is highlighted with the next thing to be selected then revert back to being a yellow bar that is positioned after the collation. This means you can command your operating system where you want to Mail any subsequent selection by ⌘ clicking into that view in any document accessible to the operating system then have your next selection end up there when you ⌘ M to Mail it within the system. This means you have a pipeline which is capable of collating any clips of text you select, so you would read any document and blue block and Mail the portions that interest you and they would all end up appended, one after the other, at your desired collation point even if it is offscreen, such as a view of some remote system. You don't alternate between Acrobat, Word, and Outlook, cutting and pasting and switching between each application window as this is inefficient and you know you want to collate your selections into Outlook, so why are you having to keep telling your operating system that this is where you want the current volatile state of your invisible clipboard to get pasted. There is no clipboard that can invisibly retain private information at the end of a session. There is only a blue block being mailed to replace a yellow block.
